Friday, April 6, 2012

Tsukiji Market 築地市場

Tsukiji market is where the goods are. It is the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world and usually restaurants will boast that their sushi is sourced straight from Tsukiji as a guarantee of quality and freshness. I was determined to go witness the famous tuna auction which meant I had to wake up at 4 am and get there by 5ish am. Unfortunately we overslept a little and the train was also not running that early (for our station at least) and we just missed it. I was quite disappointed but kept telling myself that it was probably not that interesting anyways (delusional). Although we missed the tuna auction it was still really cool to see the bustling activity in the market before daybreak. Trolleys full of fish and seafood was shuttling left and right at top speed and people were opening up boxes and boxes full of delicious goods. We decided to walk around the market and take in the atmosphere before lining up for one of the most famous sushi stalls there, Sushi Dai 壽司大. I am pretty sure that all the stalls at Tsukiji serve delicious and fresh sushi but we read in C's travel book that this was one of the most famous so we decided to jump on the bandwagon and line up. After around 2 hours we were finally shuttled into the shop for our glorious sushi breakfast. The sushi chefs were incredibly friendly and humorous. And needless to say the sushi was out of this world. Each piece was a gift from the sushi gods.

Preparing for a new day 

Soon to be in my belly

Apart from fish and seafood, many stalls also sell utensils, bowls, and T-shirts 

Here comes the sun

Such a long line

How I wish I had this in my fridge

Pretty orb of salt

Amazing amazing miso soup. 

So fresh it was still wiggling, then I ate it. 

Sea eel
It was so incredibly soft and fluffy that it just melted in my mouth. The flavor was also amazing. SO GOOD.

Cod sperm sacs
I know it doesn't sound too appetizing. But it was actually really delicious and creamy. 

Sushi Dai 壽司大
5-2-1 #6

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