Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bun Wars

This is a super super late post dating back to the summer! Bun Wars was a super fun event where participating restaurants made a burger and a side and guests voted on their favorite in the end. It was a great Sunday activity with good friends, drinks, and food. I was really upset that I had to miss the next event done by the same company because I was in school but I really loved the entire concept and really excited that Hong Kong is starting to have these new types of events. Looking forward to more!

Blue Butcher's Burger
This was the first burger we ate and it was a very decent burger. The potato salad was delicious and the chef told us that it was his mom's recipe. The burger patty had a really beefy flavor and was juicy and cooked perfectly. The bone marrow did not add too much to it though, maybe it already did add some richness but it was not very noticeable. Definitely a contender for my vote!

Melon Belly
The drink was really refreshing and not too sweet! Nice!

Posto Pubblico's "Meatball'er Burger
Oops I spoke too soon! THIS burger was easily my favorite of the night. The Blue Butcher one was yummy, but this one was better. The patty had a sausagey flavor and the bacon and roasted garlic mayo was just perfect together. I think the Blue Butcher burger had more classic flavors and Posto's was more interesting and really danced on my tastebuds. I was super disappointed to find out that the prosecco fries had run out. Sob sob.

The Pawn's Tuna Burger
Ummm after the delicious burger came the worst burger of the day. I think it's a relatively ok tuna burger (something I would never order hehe but just from overall judgement), but why would you serve something like this when you know it is a burger competitive. If you are going to serve a healthy alternative then you better make sure its jam packed with flavors - which it was not. The patty was quite bland and there were no special sauces or garnishes to perk it up. I'm not saying healthy food can't be good, but when everyone is serving up these scrumptious burgers, you better bring your A game if you are going to serve something less decadent. The sides was also like rabbit food, no good no good! 

Restoration's Pig Feet Burger
This was definitely the most interesting burger of the night and while I admire their creativity and uniqueness, it was not my favorite. Yet this was still definitely better than the tuna burger. The patty was very gelatinous and bouncy textured and I liked how the outside was crunchy which was a nice textural contrast. 


Overall it was a lovely Sunday and I look forward to more fun events!

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